This section includes an interview conducted to help clarify opinions of the mascot controversy issue from a personal family member of Native American decent. 

The first interview was conducted by teammate William Darnall on December 27, 2010.  William interviewed his paternal grandmother, Pam Pearman Darnall, at her home in Northbrook, Illinois. 

William - What is your family tie to Native American heritage?
Pam - My father was one-half Cherokee Indain.  His family lived on the Cherokee Reservation near Gatlinburg, Tennessee near the Appalachian mountains.

William - Do you feel any disrespect by schools or sports teams using Native American mascots and/or names?
Pam - No, I do not see this as disrespectful.  I like that the Indian names and nationalities are kept alive and fresh in the public's perception.  I think the mascots stand for school spirit, team work, enthusiasum, bravery and fun! 

William - Can you think of any time it might be offensive?
Pam - It could be offensive if used in a condescending way.  I have not seen this.  This positive attitude, that is prevalent now, should be closely guarded by people who care and are good judges of the behavior. 
The American Indians can be remembered always if what they stand for continues among young people cheering for their sports teams.  It's important that our Native Americans never be forgotten. 

May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Mocassins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Cherokee Prayer Blessing